Shipping & Returns

Greece orders

All Greece orders ship with ACS courier service. Orders that ship within the Attica county have an estimated delivery time of 1-2 business days. For all other destinations outside Attica the estimated delivery time is 1-4 business days. Delivery is free on all orders within the country. Cash On Delivery service is not available. It is not possible to collect your order, it can be sent only via courier.


International orders

All international orders ship with ELTA (Greek Postal Service) with a standard delivery fee of 14,5€. Delivery periods vary according to the destination. Cash On Delivery service is not available. Delivery is free on orders over 200€.

* Non EU-Customers shall be subject to any charges that may arise from exchange rate differences, customs clearances, etc., for which our company shall bear no liability.



You have the right to return the product within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the product. You are responsible for all shipping and handling charges on returned items. You are advised to use the same courier that was used to deliver the item. For any further assistance (i.e. shipping address), please contact

For international orders, if an item is returned because a customer refused to pay for any import and export taxes or customs duties that may incur, KIKI & EROS will seek to recover from the customer all costs or any fees incurred by KIKI & EROS. Please note that if you refuse to pay custom duties upon delivery, a refund will only be issued after the product has been returned to us.

In case KIKI & EROS does not receive the items, the amounts paid will not be refunded. If the products ordered are «upon request», returns of such personalized products will not be accepted. The products must not be damaged, altered, used, worn, washed and they must be returned in their original packaging along with all other documents, if any, accompanying such products. Damaged products shall not be accepted and no reimbursement shall be made.